Is that a good description of your soul today? Anchored...firm and secure?
Do you remember seeing presents under the tree weeks before December 25? The anticipation, curiosity and excitement could be unbearable to a child. But if your name was on a present then it was secure and firm that you were receiving something on that special day. It was undeniable even though you had to wait for it, it was secure. There is a real parallel to our our lives today.
By the time of the first advent, the Messiah had been promised to come and yet the people had grown weary, a Saviour had been prophesied to come yet the nation grew tired and lost hope. It was like the nation of Israel was like a child who forgot that Christmas was coming...actually...thats exactly what they became like.
Something that comes up over and over again throughout the Bible (one thing that most of us are not good at or like) that God's promises 'by their nature demand patient endurance to receive' (D.L. Allen). Think of Abraham and Sarah awaiting a child into the twilight of their life...based on a promise; or Moses leading the people in the wilderness for 40 years...based on a promise...not to mention the prophets or what about Simeon in the Gospel of Luke who waited late into his life to see the Christ...based off a promise.
God remembers his promises, He is faithful and will fulfill this in the right time. Perhaps its okay this Christmas to watch children (even adults?) get excited for Christmas, the anticipation of the it today? How many more sleeps? I can't wait! God's promises are secure, they are firm and our soul is anchored in them. Promises to provide, to care, to nurture and guide. But also it is a promise to save and to cleanse and a promise that Horatio Stafford captures well:
And Lord haste the day
when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Gal 3:29: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”